North Dakota: Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple announced in late August that he would not seek a second full term in 2016. There is no shortage of credible, first-tier candidates on the Republican side. The two getting the most mention are Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem and Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley. Strategists say that it is unlikely that they will both run, suggesting that the two will meet to decide who would be the strongest candidate. Wrigley’s argument that he is the stronger candidate may have been tarnished by revelations of an extra-marital affair. Both men have deep roots in the state and have been involved in politics most of their adult lives. Democrats hoped that U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp would run, but she recently announced that she would take a pass on the race. Without Heitkamp, Democrats will be hard-pressed to find a competitive candidate. In fact, the only other name mentioned is radio talk show host Joel Heitkamp, the Senator’s brother. Beyond the name Heitkamp, Democrats don’t have a deep bench in the state. The race is in the Likely

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