This story was originally published on on November 8, 2016 While there still is a path to 270 elect­or­al votes for Don­ald Trump, it’s barely vis­ible. It would re­quire win­ning all 24 states car­ried by Mitt Rom­ney in 2012 in­clud­ing North Car­o­lina, which is now very close, and Neb­raska’s 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict, which is also tight. It would re­quire win­ning Iowa, which is pretty likely; Nevada, which ap­pears doubt­ful giv­en the early vote; Ohio, which is close but where Trump has a bit of an edge; and Flor­ida, which is also very close. Then he would need to win Maine’s 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict and fi­nally New Hamp­shire, which is also razor-close. Each one of these eight races is with­in reach. He may well win one, two, maybe even four or five of them. But he needs all eight to hit 270 elect­or­al votes, the ma­gic num­ber for vic­tory. If he falls short in just one race, Clin­ton wins. While there are oth­er the­or­et­ic­al pos­sib­il­it­ies—Trump win­ning Michigan, Min­nesota, Pennsylvania, or any of the oth­er states that Obama car­ried, for in­stance—the

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