If I knew with certainty that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not going to be the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, I still wouldn't think this kerfuffle over her State Department emails was responsible. This is the classic kind of inside-the-Beltway, process story that politicos and reporters get in a lather over but that resonates very little with average voters. Most Americans don't know or care what happens to the old emails of public officials. But chasing shiny objects is an occupational hazard for political journalists during odd-numbered years, because of the infrequent developments of real significance. And, for that matter, Clinton's fate won't hinge on Benghazi either. I have yet to hear a swing voter, or anyone who has contemplated voting for a Democratic presidential candidate in years, up in arms over that one. Fox News viewers and Rush Limbaugh listeners are convinced it is the most important thing on the planet. No one else cares. No, Hillary Clinton's challenge will be determined by how she performs, what image she projects, how she is perceived—whether she comes across

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