This story was originally published on on February 7, 2017 Two things seem abund­antly clear right now. First, Pres­id­ent Trump’s agenda and pri­or­it­ies are ex­actly what he laid out in his bois­ter­ous cam­paign. No one should be sur­prised by what he is do­ing. Second, the di­vi­sions over Can­did­ate Trump mir­ror the per­cep­tions of Pres­id­ent Trump. Des­pite the con­tro­ver­sies of his early days in of­fice, his back­ers have mainly held fast. Trump lost the na­tion­al pop­u­lar vote by 2 per­cent­age points, 48 to 46 per­cent. Polling last week sug­gests there has been a little de­teri­or­a­tion for him, but not that much. The Feb. 1-2 CBS News poll shows Trump with a 40 per­cent ap­prov­al rat­ing, down 6 points from his elec­tion per­form­ance, with 48 per­cent ex­press­ing dis­ap­prov­al (the same per­cent­age who voted for Hil­lary Clin­ton). The Gal­lup Or­gan­iz­a­tion’s track­ing poll for Feb. 3-5 put Trump’s ap­prov­al rat­ing at 42 per­cent and dis­ap­prov­al at 52 per­cent. The Jan. 31-Feb. 2 CNN/ORC poll put Trump’s ap­prov­al a touch high­er at 44 per­cent, with the dis­ap­prov­al also high­er at 53 per­cent. The av­er­age

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