This story was originally published on on July 26, 2016 Take your pick among the two ma­jor na­tion­al polls re­leased Monday morn­ing: Either Don­ald Trump is ahead of Hil­lary Clin­ton by as much as 3 or 4 points, or the two are run­ning dead even. It de­pends on wheth­er you fo­cus on the CBS News poll or the CNN/ORC sur­vey, wheth­er you in­clude the Liber­tari­an and Green Party can­did­ates, and wheth­er you push the un­de­cided voters who lean to­ward one can­did­ate or the oth­er. The Real­Clear­Polit­ics and Poll­ av­er­ages are of less value right now as they in­clude polls taken be­fore the Re­pub­lic­an con­ven­tion. Both the CNN and CBS polls were con­duc­ted Fri­day through Sunday. The CNN poll put Trump ahead of Clin­ton by 3 points among re­gistered voters in a two-way match­up, 48 to 45 per­cent. When all four can­did­ates are thrown in the mix, the mar­gin spreads to 5 points for Trump with 44 per­cent (up 7 points from CNN’s Ju­ly 13-16 poll). Clin­ton re­gisters 39 per­cent (down 3 points), Liber­tari­an Party nom­in­ee Gary John­son comes in

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