This race between Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka has not gotten much attention since the state's March 21 primaries largely because Topinka was forced to spend heavily to win the nomination, leaving her at a considerable financial disadvantage going into the general election.

Blagojevich sought to take advantage of the opportunity his hefty bank account afforded him and began running television ads attacking Topinka almost immediately after the primary. The spots, most of which included the tag line "what is she thinking," attempted to paint Topinka as a conservative extremist on issues such as guns.

Given Topinka's inability to fight back, most observers felt that Blagojevich's ads would probably sink her chances, but recent polling suggests that the race remains competitive. A Research 2000 poll (August 28-31 of 800 likely voters) had Blagojevich ahead of Topinka, 47 percent to 39 percent, but the poll contained more good news for Topinka than it did for the Governor. First, despite Blagojevich's heavy advertising, the race has not moved an inch. A Research 2000 poll taken in early

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