Presidential Clinton: 228 | Trump: 279 (Michigan and New Hampshire have not been called) Resources: The Shock Heard 'Round the World - Amy Walter 2016 National Popular Vote Tracker Senate: Democrats 48 | Republicans 51 Democrats picked up just two seats, beating GOP incumbent U.S. Sens. Mark Kirk in Illinois and Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire. They came close in three other seats, nearly defeating U.S. Sens. Roy Blunt in Missouri, Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania and Ron Johnson in Wisconsin. Democrats lost those three seats by a total of 285,949 votes out of 11.64 million ballots cast. Of course, the opposite is also true. Democrats only won New Hampshire by about 716 votes, and managed to hang on to their open seat in Nevada by just 26,231 votes. CRP Resources: Senate: Republicans Defy the Odds Senate Election Results by Race Ratings 2018 Senate Race Ratings House Democrats 193 | Republicans 239(CA-49 has not been called) Democrats scored a meager gain of 6 or 7 seats, depending on the final outcome in CA-49, and remarkably, Republicans will hold more seats than they did before 2014. CPR Resources: House: A Few

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