If you are bored after months of watching Senate races in Pennsylvania, Montana and Ohio, the contest in Maryland between GOP Lt. Gov. Michael Steele and Democratic Rep. Ben Cardin deserves a first—or second—look.

Despite a crowded September 12 Democratic primary, most political observers have looked at this race as the incumbent party’s to lose. Maryland is a solid blue state that hasn’t elected a Republican to the Senate since 1980 and the political climate should only make this race harder for Steele.

Still, most have underestimated Steele’s appeal as a candidate. Steele is among the GOP’s few Senate recruiting successes. He is charismatic and possesses the gift of being able to connect with voters easily. He has been a surprisingly strong fundraiser, bringing in nearly $6.5 million as of September 30. Steele has also run a solid campaign, the highlight of which has been his television ads.

Most of the spots feature Steele against a blank backdrop with minimal props and speaking directly to the camera. He uses humor in some and indignation in others. Most

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