It was a tumultuous cycle in the Senate, and Democrats defied the odds and midterm history. Below we have five interesting points about the battle for the Senate in 2022 to chew on.

Read more of the 22 things we learned in 2022:

National (1-5) Senate (6-10) House (11-17) Governors (18-22)

Senate (6-10) 6. For the first time in U.S. history, no Senate incumbent lost re-election. Since the implementation of direct elections of U.S. Senators in the 1914 cycle, no year has seen every single senator re-elected. In 1914, no senators lost in the general election, but two lost in primaries. Democrats defied the historical odds that saw, on average, four seats lost by the midterm party in power. Instead, they netted one seat, by defending every vulnerable incumbent and flipping the GOP-held open seat in Pennsylvania. They won every state Biden had carried save for one — Wisconsin, where Republican Sen. Ron Johnson was re-elected. The last time only one Senate seat changed parties was in 1990. 7. Candidates mattered more than climate. Candidates mattered more than climate. This

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