This round of redistricting proved relatively painless for Oklahoma compared to the last decade, when the state was forced to eliminate a seat. Even then, a convenient retirement allowed legislators to consolidate ancestrally Democratic voters in eastern Oklahoma into one district, keeping Democrat Brad Carson safe in the 2nd CD. This year, Republicans controlled the process for the first time, but neither the legislature nor Gov. Mary Fallin had much incentive to rock the boat. In April, all five incumbents agreed to a “minimal changes” plan, legislators passed it with a yawn, and Fallin signed it into law in May.

The only Democrat left in the delegation is Rep. Dan Boren, whose family name is revered in state politics. Boren succeeded Carson in the 2nd CD in 2004, and has since compiled the most conservative voting record of any Democrat remaining in the House. In fact, that's the only reason Boren was able to ride out 2010 with 57 percent of the vote. Republicans in the state legislature had no appetite to target someone who votes like one of them,

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