First Person is a series of quick videos from the Cook Political Report editors exclusively for our premium members.

Last week, a federal court ruling put a new Black-majority Louisiana seat in limbo.David Wasserman provides an analysis of what we can expect to happen next in this ongoing saga.

[00:00:00] Hey, this is David Wasserman, Senior Editor and Elections Analyst for the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter. And today, let's dive into the latest state of play in Louisiana redistricting. Now, just when Democrats thought that they could count on new black majority seats in Alabama and Louisiana, a three judge federal panel threw a wrench into those plans by throwing the state's congressional map in limbo just six months before election day.

Now, Alabama's map is going to feature a district no matter what. But a big reason the legal drama in the Pelican State has dragged out as long as it has is that it has the latest election calendar in the nation. The filing deadline for congressional candidates isn't until July 19th. And there is

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