When it comes to elections, House Republicans haven't had a lot of good news in a while. So after handily winning this week's special election in Pennsylvania's 12th district, the GOP was quick to read too much into an easy victory in a very safe, deeply red seat. On Wednesday, President Trump crowed about the victory, saying it had been a "50-50 shot" that GOP nominee, state Rep. Fred Keller, won in a landslide. But hyperbole is simply how Trump communicates, and it's not surprising he would bulldoze past the fact that this is a district he carried by 36 points in 2016 and we had rated it all along Solid Republican. But then the National Republican Congressional Committee put out a memo claiming the race was "the first trial run for the socialist Democrats' 2020 campaign playbook and it failed miserably" and that "results in the PA-12 special election highlight the debilitating impact the socialist Democrats' extreme agenda will have on their electoral chances." Was it supposed to work in this type of district? That'd be news to Democrats

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