Bottom Lines are our most current take on a race. Here's our latest on the ratings we shifted left in 13 districts.

Updated Bottom Lines

CA-21: David Valadao (R) - Central Valley: Hanford, parts of Bakersfield Lean Republican. Democrats have yet to crack the code against Valadao, a popular rancher who represents the most heavily Latino (and least-college educated) district of any Republican in the country. This 74 percent Latino district voted for Hillary Clinton by 16 points, yet Valadao emphasizes his support for immigration reform and water rights in effective Spanish-language ads and clobbered attorney Emilio Huerta, who proved allergic to fundraising, by 13 points.

At the last minute before this year's filing deadline, Huerta withdrew (to the DCCC's relief) and Democrats coaxed Fresno real estate businessman T.J. Cox to switch from the 10th CD race against Rep. Jeff Denham to the 21st CD. Cox is far from a top-flight candidate: he doesn't live in the district, and Republicans will hammer him on an IRS tax lien against him and his wife and lawsuits against his businesses. And apart

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