Just last week, Republicans were squabbling among themselves over minor details and looked ready to dither away their opportunity to redraw Missouri's Congressional districts to their liking. But yesterday, up against the wall, Republicans rounded up the votes to override Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon's veto and enact a new map that eliminates Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan's seat. And in a speedy turn of events, the vote exposed Democrats' fratricidal tendencies.

Republicans hold a supermajority in Missouri's Senate but needed four Democratic votes in the state House to attain the two thirds majority required to override Nixon's veto. The scene yesterday was remarkable: one Republican temporarily left the hospital to attend the vote. And when Republicans needed one more Democrat to break ranks and clear the hurdle, Kansas City area Democratic state Rep. Jonas Hughes caved citing pressure from Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and left the vote in tears.

As expected, Emanuel's predicament proved useful for the GOP. Allies of Cleaver, the former mayor of Kansas City, were concerned that his district's expansion into the suburbs would make it more marginal.

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