Trailing in the polls, President Joe Biden needed Thursday night’s debate to help change the trajectory of the race. His campaign’s hope was that this debate would move the focus away from Biden’s shortcomings and onto former President Donald Trump’s many liabilities.

“Don’t compare me to the Almighty,” Biden often reminds voters. “Compare me to the alternative.”

Instead of a reset, however, Thursday night’s debate only served to remind voters of Biden’s weaknesses — especially his health and stamina. From his hoarse voice, to his often rambling and unfocused answers, to his awkward appearance in the split-screen TV shots, Biden did nothing to reassure voters — including many Democrats — that he has what it takes to beat Trump this fall.

To be clear, Trump didn’t “win” this debate. He continued to exhibit many of the behaviors that have made him a polarizing and unpopular figure. He lobbed multiple lies and falsehoods and exaggerations, and like Biden, trailed off into non sequiturs. But Biden failed to offer strong rebuttals to them.

If you came into this debate thinking both men

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